Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The T=0 Complexity Theory of Consciousness (p. 12)

lifetime of the individual and of the collective. I suspect — and certain readings of history and pre-history strongly support the idea — that widely varying manifestations of Consciousness emerged and dissipated in pre-historical humans until stability could be progressively enhanced by the transmission of stabilizing arrangements of language and built world: that this is the solution the Consciousness designed to the problem of its own inherent instability. This is how Consciousness became continuous and stable individually from person to person and collectively from generation to generation as we generally and erroneously assume it has always been.

Beggs, John M. and Plenz, Dietmar (2003). Neuronal Avalanches in Neocortical Circuits. J. Neurosci, 23(35), 11167-11177.

Kitzbichler MG, Smith ML, Christensen SR, Bullmore E. (2009). Broadband Criticality of Human Brain Network Synchronization. PLoS Comput Biol 5(3): e1000314. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000314

Libet, B., Wright, E. W., & Gleason, C. A. (1983). Preparation- or intention-to-act, in relation to pre-event potentials recorded at the vertex. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 56(4), 367-72.

Maclean, Paul D. The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions. Springer Publishing, 1990.

Maclean, Paul D. A triune concept of the brain and behaviour. University of Toronto, 1970.

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